Dr. John Phillips Podcast

Dr. John Phillips (1927-2010) was in Britain and served in the British Army in Palestine during the closing years of the British Mandate. There he witnessed the events which led up to the rebirth of the state of Israel. After the war, He moved to Canada after World War II, where he founded and pastored a small church. Later, he joined the staff of Moody Bible Institute where he served for twenty-five years speaking regularly over the Moody Radio Network. Dr. Phillips held a Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Rice Seminary. He is best known for authorship of more than 50 books about the Bible, including complete sets of New Testament Commentaries, the Exploring the Bible Series and his Introducing People of the Bible Series. His books continue to be among the best-sellers among Bible teachers in America and around the world.
Dr. Phillips believed that the greatest disservice a teacher or preacher could render to those he sought to enlighten was that of making the Bible "boring". The legacy of his preaching media proves he did no such disservice to his listeners. His messages a Christ-centered journeys through texts of the Bible, that are rich in vivid exposition, brimming with personal application, and gospel saturated.

Hosted ByDr. John Phillips

All Episodes

Dr. John Phillips Podcast – A Child Is Born – A Son Risen

Dr. John Phillips preaching a message on A Child Is Born – A Son Risen FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

DJPP – The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Dr. John Phillips preaching a message on The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

DJPP – The Book of Daniel

Dr. John Phillips preaching a message through the entire book of Daniel at a conference in 1992. FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

DJPP – Psalm 103

Dr. John Phillips preaching an untitled message out of Psalm 103. FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

DJPP – What Happens When An Older Man Retires Before His Time

Dr. John Phillips preaching a message entitled “What Happens When An Older Man Retires Before His Time” from 2 Samuel 17:27-29 & 19:31-38. FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

DJPP – The Lord Strong and Mighty

Dr. John Phillips preaching a message entitled “The Lord Strong and Mighty” from Psalm 24. FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

DJPP – The Judgment Seat of Jacob

Dr. John Phillips Podcast – The Judgment Seat of Jacob FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

DJPP – The Story of Ruth

Dr. John Phillips Podcast – The Story of Ruth FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

DJPP – Playday Became Payday – The Story of David

Dr. John Phillips Podcast – Playday Became Payday – The Story of David FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin