
  • Temple Baptist Church Archive Podcast

    Several years ago, I was entrusted with boxes of tapes that represented the audio archive of Temple Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN. This was the church in which I was saved, served as a deacon and Sunday school teacher and was called to preach. God powerfully used Pastor Ken Trivette to lead Temple Baptist Church through an amazing time of numeric and spiritual growth, as well as a time of heaven sent revival.
    Only now has technology caught up to such a degree that I can digitizes these cassette tapes efficiently to share them with the world. These digitized files are the entire tape (singing, preaching, testifying, and praying).
    I do this, not to live in the past, but to be reminded that God doesn't change and He can do it again in this day.

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  • RFP – Israel Trip Podcast

    I recently had the wonderful pleasure of going on a Holy Land tour with some long time friends over at the Recovering Fundamentalist Podcast. It was an amazing gift from my family (Thanks Honey!) and my church. I took my digital recorder with me and recorded as much as I possibly could during every stop, every site, and every bus ride. I have edited these audio recordings and I have put them into (you guessed it) a podcast. Our Jewish guide was so insightful in placing context around all of the sites we stopped. If you want to relive this journey through sound with me than just push play! Hope you enjoy it!

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  • Dr. R. Larry Brown Podcast

    Dr. R. Larry Brown was the founding pastor of Victory Baptist Church in North Augusta, South Carolina. Under his leadership, God blessed the ministry of Victory Baptist Church to a membership of over 4,000 people. Dr. Brown also had an extensive itinerant preaching ministry across America, where God used him greatly. Dr. Brown went home to be with the Lord in August of 2021.

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Temple Baptist Church Archive Podcast

Hosted ByTemple Baptist Church of Chattanooga, TN

RFP – Israel Trip Podcast

Hosted ByRFP - Israel Trip

Dr. R. Larry Brown Podcast

Hosted ByDr. R. Larry Brown

Dr. Melvin Biggs Podcast

Hosted ByDr. Melvin Biggs

Dr. John Phillips Podcast

Hosted ByDr. John Phillips


Hosted ByPastor Ronnie Brown

Evangelist Maze Jackson Podcast

Hosted ByEvangelist Maze Jackson

7 Minute Meditations

Hosted ByPastor Ronnie Brown

Days of His Passion Series

Hosted ByPastor Ronnie Brown

Sacrificial Offerings Series

Hosted ByPastor Ronnie Brown

Tabernacle Series

Hosted ByPastor Ronnie Brown

Calvary Came Through Podcast

Hosted ByBro. Ronnie Brown & Evangelist Tracy Trivette

Forgotten Podcast

Hosted ByRonnie Brown

Evangelist Bob Daugherty Podcast

Hosted ByEvangelist Bob Daugherty

Evangelist Ed Ballew Podcast

Hosted ByEvangelist Ed Ballew

The Unseen Hand

Hosted ByPastor Ronnie Brown

For The Love of Us

Hosted ByRonnie & Carey Brown

Evangelist Dr. Ivor Powell Podcast

Hosted ByEvangelist Dr. Ivor Powell

Evangelist Buster Seaton

Hosted ByEvangelist Buster Seaton

Bivocational Preacher Podcast

Hosted ByPastor Ronnie Brown & Dr. Chris Paradise

Evangelist Wilbur Hurt

Hosted ByEvangelist Wilbur Hurt

Just Good Preachin’ Podcast

Hosted ByVarious Pastors, Preachers, Missionary & Evangelists